Spicy & Self-Reflective

Writing Workshop


In college, I took a literary theory class…

we read some interesting stuff, but mostly I daydreamed about fucking my professor. And I did. You can read about that here.

I have often missed the group dynamics of university classes, discussing writing and getting homework assignments. But I’m still paying off my student loans so I’m not about to go back to school.

Plus, those courses were missing a lot of elements that make writing more fun and relevant and if I’m being honest…SEXY. So, allow me to lead you into a summer school writing workshop series. I’m calling it Literally Theory and will be “teaching” from three workbooks I developed last summer, a summer I spent very much in a state of extreme self-reflection, longing, and horniness for places and people.

Color Theory invites you to pick a hue and apply it to your city, your life, your loves. There is an art project involved! Vacation Theory asks you to metaphorically go places, travel through time, and sort through your past selves and lovers. There is a movie watching assignment! Birthday Theory digs into expectations vs reality, and we’ll strip down to our birthday suits (in our heads) and write lovingly about our bodies.

This is the first time I’m teaching from these workbooks and I’m really excited about it.

In each session, you’ll be invited to create your space, set your intentions, complete writing exercises and free writes, share with the group aloud and in the chat, and do “homework” which includes further reading, art, and cinematic assignments.

Wish you could go back to school to become a poet?

Want to dig deeper in self-reflection and self-knowledge?

Need help putting your experiences into words?

Want a group therapy vibe supportive gathering of like-minded people?

LITERALLY THEORY—Spicy & Self-Reflective Writing Workshop


The workshop is virtual. Sign up for live Zoom sessions and workbooks.


Carly, the creator of AURORE, will be leading you through this exploratory series. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join. No prior writing experience necessary.


This writing workshop is designed to help you tap into your inner sex god/dessxx through a mix of self-reflection, memory & fantasy, and contemplative exercises in a supportive environment. We will write, we will breathe together, we will read, watch, create, and share.


Four Sundays this summer at 3pm-5pm EST—

May 19th: Color Theory

June 2: Vacation Theory

June 9: Group Movie Streaming Session

June 23: Birthday Theory


Early pricing: $149 for four glorious sessions

after May 3rd the cost will go up to $199

This workshop is for you if:

-You miss school but can’t afford to go back and study literature

-You wish you had studied something like “English Lit” or poetry in your school days

-You want to explore creative writing in a workshop setting

-You are sex-positive or curious to join a sex-positive group

-You want to get in touch with your desires and learn how to better communicate them

-You want to feel empowered to discuss and share your intimate experiences

-You want guidance on writing and healing in an open, supportive environment

What to expect:

-Exercises that will inspire you to reflect on memories and desires

-Prompts to invite you to approach life/the world in a new way

-Supplementary reading/assignments to further your education

-Free writing time and writing prompts

-Vibes that feel like group therapy in the best way

AURORE is a space for real sex stories. We believe erotica is overdue for a revamp, and want to create and consume literary porn that resonates. This workshop series is big on self-reflection. I think accessing emotion allows us to write in our truth when we write erotica.



“My Dom knows I'm doing this workshop and puts me in "writing time" for a couple hours afterward so I can continue to have quiet, sacred space for more writing.”

“I appreciated the prompts in this workshop. Made me realize that I can practice writing through short prompts, to get the muscle going - it doesn’t have to be ‘I’m writing my full short story / novel / essay right now.’”

“I am absolutely enthralled with the new found routine writing practice this workshops created for me. I've never written any sort of long form story and as sad as I am this workshop’s ending, I'm so excited to have it's spirit continue.”

“I feel an overall and new found confidence in my sexuality & I think my partners would agree it's shaping me into a better lover (this part I wasn't expecting but am pleasantly surprised by).”

“I have been able to open myself up to creativity in new and exciting ways! Witnessing y'alls art has been amazing and so inspiring, releasing myself from pressure of being soooo new to writing has allowed me to show myself a lot of grace.”

“My intention was to connect more with my husband (and others) and I feel very much like that has happened.”

“I think I really wanted to hear about other people's thoughts and experiences. To me, writing (and all art really) is about connection. The prompts forced me in the best way to write and reflect on my own relationship with my body.”

“I’ve been working through the deepest heartbreak of my life, and through it a second dark night of the soul, and really learning to love myself in so many new and deep ways. So painful, but admittedly needed. I know it’s not the end for us in this lifetime. This workshop has been so therapeutic for me; thank you all so much.”

“Amen, also reinventing after a break-up. This has been healing for me, too.”


What if I’ve never written before?

This space will accommodate writers of all levels, from beginners to professionals.

What if I’m not spicy/slutty?

Darling, slutty is a state of mind. Just be sex-positive (meaning non-judgemental and open)

Do I have to share my writing/share anything?

Absolutely not, though it is a rewarding aspect of a group space. You will share when and if you’re ready.

Can I join the group if I’m a cis-het man?

Yes! Join us. This is a woman and LGBTQ+ centered space so please be respectful of that, but we’d love to include your unique perspective.